Monday, September 4, 2023

Why does experiencing awareness, as it is, seem so difficult for a lot of people?

 Why does experiencing awareness, as it is, seem so difficult for a lot of people?

Experiencing awareness, or simply being present in the moment, or simply being, can indeed be challenging for many people due to a variety of reasons:

1. **Constant Mental Activity:** Our minds are naturally active, constantly thinking, analyzing, and processing information. This mental chatter can make it difficult to focus on the present moment without being carried away by thoughts about the past or future.

2. **Cultural and Societal Conditioning:** Many cultures and societies emphasize productivity, achievement, and goal-oriented thinking. This conditioning can make people feel guilty or unproductive when they simply "be" in the moment without a specific purpose.

3. **Stress and Anxiety:** Stress and anxiety can dominate one's thoughts, making it challenging to be present. Worries about the future or regrets about the past can consume a person's mental energy.

4. **Attachment to Technology:** Our modern world is filled with distractions like smartphones, social media, and constant connectivity. These technologies can pull people away from the present moment and into a virtual or digital reality.

5. **Lack of Mindfulness Practice:** Awareness and presence are skills that can be developed through mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga, or simply paying deliberate attention to the present. Many people have not been exposed to these practices or have not made them a part of their daily lives.

6. **Cognitive Overload:** In today's information age, people often experience cognitive overload, where they are bombarded with a vast amount of information and stimuli. This can make it difficult to filter out distractions and focus on the here and now.

7. **Emotional Disturbances:** Strong emotions, such as anger, fear, or sadness, can pull people away from the present moment. When emotions become overwhelming, individuals may find it challenging to remain aware and centered.

8. **Ego and Self-Identity:** People often identify strongly with their thoughts, beliefs, and self-image. This attachment to the self can create a barrier to experiencing pure awareness because they are always interpreting the present through the filter of their self-concept.

9. **Lack of Time:** Many people lead busy lives, and the demands of work, family, and other obligations can leave little time for contemplation or self-awareness.

10. **Fear of Facing the Self:** Some individuals may avoid being present because it requires confronting aspects of themselves they'd rather avoid. This can include past traumas, unresolved issues, or uncomfortable emotions.

Despite these challenges, there can be great benefit in stopping for a few moments and simply being aware- not necessarily of any object, but just aware. Cultivating an awareness of being aware itself. It can reduce stress (in the form of constant subject-object tension), improve mental health, enhance relationships, and provide a greater sense of fulfillment. Overcoming the obstacles to experiencing awareness, just as it is, often involves first developing some attentional skills, mindfulness type skills and making a conscious effort to prioritize a sense of 'presence' in daily life.

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