Sunday, September 3, 2023

Formal spriitual paths vs informal or unstructured spiritual paths.. which is better?


I want to share something with you that I think is important. You know how some people claim that there is only one right way to achieve spiritual enlightenment? Well, I think that's not entirely correct. Here's why.

First of all, a formalised orthodox path to spirituality has just as high failure rates as in informal, unstructured approaches. Each approach will appeal to different individual personalities. Just because someone 'made it' with one approach doesn't necessarily mean that approach will undoubtedly work for all. For example, some people criticise Ramana's approach or Nis' approach because it's unstructured, all over the place, confusing at times, left to individuals to define, and not as structured as traditional Advaita Vedanta (or Buddhist schools etc). At the same time some teachers criticise traditional Advaita Vedanta because it involves learning so many texts, Sanskrit, formal logic, lineages etc., which may not be especially relevant to actual self-enquiry, and can even serve as furthering the ego's preservation. Neither path holds a higher 'success' rate.

Secondly, spirituality is not a competition or a race. It's not about who gets there first or who has the most knowledge or experience. It's about finding your true nature and living in harmony with it. It's about being yourself and accepting yourself as you are. It's about being free from suffering and ignorance. It's about being happy and peaceful.

So, don't let anyone tell you what you should or shouldn't do on your spiritual journey. Don't let anyone make you feel inferior or superior because of your chosen path. Don't let anyone judge you or pressure you to follow their rules or methods. You are the only one who knows what works for you and what doesn't. You are the only one who can discover your own truth and reality.

Just follow your heart and intuition. Trust yourself and your own experience. Experiment with different approaches and see what resonates with you. Be open-minded and curious. Be humble and respectful. Be honest and sincere. Be grateful and compassionate.

And most importantly, have fun and enjoy the ride!

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