Self-enquiry is a method of meditation and introspection that aims to discover the true nature of one's self. It involves turning one's attention inward away from external objects and asking the question "Who am I?" or "What am I?". There are different approaches to self-enquiry, and one of them is to focus on the I-thought or the ego, which is the sense of individuality and identity that arises in the mind. This is one's every day experience of being an individual. It is the sense of being that seems to wake up in the morning.
Another approach is to focus on pure awareness, which is the background consciousness that witnesses all thoughts, feelings and sensations. It is ever-present as one's beingness, presence and sense of existence itself.
Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. Focusing on the I-thought can help to dissolve the attachments and identifications that cause suffering and ignorance, but it can also reinforce the sense of separation and create a subtle sense of duality.
Focusing on pure awareness can help to experience the peace and bliss of one's true nature, but it can also bypass the psychological issues and emotional wounds that need healing and integration. Spiritual bypassing is a common occurrence for those that seek the teachings as a way to transcend and bypass every day challenges that face the individual. Therefore, it is important to balance both approaches and use them according to one's needs and preferences. Ultimately, self-enquiry leads to the realization that the I-thought and pure awareness are not separate, but expressions of the same reality or nondual foundation only.
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