Sunday, September 17, 2023

Effort vs Surrender


I have been reflecting on the dichotomy between Effort and Surrender recently.

Initially, Effort can be quite beneficial, especially when one feels disconnected. It provides the mind with a purpose and aids in developing valuable skills such as concentration, positive habits, and ethical behavior. 

However, as time progresses, Effort may transform into an obstacle or create a metaphorical “wall” that hinders further insights. In such cases, Surrender can prove to be immensely valuable. Surrender allows us to release ingrained patterns, overcome ignorance, and intuitively embrace “grace” or naturalness. It enables us to perceive reality beyond the confines of our ego/mind’s fixed perspective. 

Even on a smaller scale, finding the right balance between Effort and Surrender during contemplation is crucial. This balance ensures that we avoid excessive rigidity while also preventing excessive slack or relaxation.

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