Sunday, March 17, 2024

Establishing a 5 minute "emotional releasing" session - Sedona Method additions.


So I've been revisting The Sedona Method (and related teachings of Lester Levenson) over the last month or so. I've done it many times in the past, probably starting around the year 1998, 2000 or thereabouts. I had various levels of "success", but this time around has been excellent in terms of actually understanding where it is coming from, and what "releasing" (a subtle and often confusing topic) really is.

One way to use the method or approach is to establish a 5 minute (or more) quiet sitting meditation session, in which you just sit and do nothing for 5 minutes, apart from allowing issues, bodily sensations or other objects to arise and take hold of the attention (if it happens).

Then these objects and arisings can be tracked back to the feeling category (AGFLAP-CAP) or the 2 Basic Wants (Approval, Control) and released from there. If done correctly or to completion, this returns one's state back to just sitting (beingness, I-am-ness etc.)

One can notice the "I-thought" also attached to these basic wants and how they arise.

This is also a great little exercise that can be done to notice craving (tanha in Buddhism) and how craving arises and causes pressure (to escape it in either pleasure or aversion).

Getting success with the method really entails a LOT of repitition until releasing becomes automatic or second nature, as per how breathing happens (or burping etc.) and any other automatic bodily response.

Every arising, even unrelated, such as a thought, desire, bodily sensation etc. can be tracked back to the two basic wants (or prior to that the 6-9 basic feelings in the AGFLAP chart) and released from there.

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