A short verse from Sankara, which implies the dependence of all phenomena (and their enjoyment) on the ever-present ever-blissful Self (Atman) that you are- rather than the conventional view of inherently existing external objects, which seem to be the cause of our enjoyment as a limited individual.
विषय स्वतः प्रिय नही होते, किन्तु आत्मा के लिए ही प्रिय होते हैं,
क्योंकि स्वतः प्रियतम तो सबका आत्मा ही है ।
इसलिए आत्मा सदा आनन्दस्वरूप है, इसमें दुःख कभी नही है तभी सुषुप्ति
में विषयों का अभाव रहते हुए भी आत्मानंद अनुभव होता है । इस विषय में श्रुति,
प्रत्यक्ष, एतिह्य (इतिहास) और अनुमान-प्रमाण जागृत (मौजूद) हैं ।
Sense-objects are pleasurable only as dependent on the Atman manifesting through them, and not independently, because the Atman is by Its very nature the most beloved of all. Therefore the Atman is ever blissful, and never suffers misery.
That in profound sleep we experience the bliss of the Atman independent
of sense-objects, is clearly attested by the Shruti, direct perception,
tradition and inference.
श्रीमद आदि शंकराचार्य द्वारा रचित विवेक-चूड़ामणि
Vivek-Chudamani by Shrimad Adi Shankaracharya
श्रीमद आदि शंकराचार्य द्वारा रचित विवेक-चूड़ामणि
Vivek-Chudamani by Shrimad Adi Shankaracharya
“But whatever can be described cannot be your self, and what you are cannot be described. You can only know your self by being yourself without any attempt at self-definition and self-description.
ReplyDeleteOnce you have understood that you are nothing perceivable or conceivable, that whatever appears in the field of consciousness cannot be your self, you will apply yourself to the eradication of all self-identification, as the only way that can take you to a deeper realisation of your self. You literally progress by rejection — a veritable rocket.
To know that you are neither in the body nor in the mind, though aware of both, is already self-knowledge.”
— Nisargadatta (I Am That, Ch.99) - On the pointer of the perceived not being the perceiver, and likewise the impossibility of objectifying the self (Atma).