Forgiveness (practice notes - 1)
"I have invented the world I see." (Lesson 32)
"There is another way of looking at the world." (Lesson 33)
"I could see peace instead of this." (Lesson 34)
"Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world." (Lesson 62)
- One of the main pillars of spiritual practice.
- Synonymous with releasing, undoing, non-doing, acceptance, love, openness.
- Negates and undoes the past in the present.
- Gentler approach with same goal as Neti-neti
- When striving, self-effort, struggle, stress become obvious.
- Over-effort or over-practice, trying
- Stuckness
- Lack of love & connection
- Attacking others and self
- Sit quietly as per meditation instructions or contemplation as usually done
- "I forgive myself" becomes the verbal object - silent or aloud
- Hold oneself in loving-kindness, embrace, blanket
- Await blessings beyond the self - "The peace that passeth understanding"
- Non-doing
- Just come back to the open aware feeling of forgiveness and expansive self-love
- Release, relax as needed or when tension is noticed
- Short practice reminders can also be used for a whole day of forgiveness
- Nondoing Wu wei
- Nisargadatta Nisarga Yoga or effortlessness
- Metta and loving kindness practice (as found in Buddhism)
- The "Loving-All" method of ML